A refrigerator is a kitchen appliance that functions daily to keep the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and food stored in it. Furthermore, a refrigerator has the duty of producing ice cubes and is capable of extending the shelf life of food.
Heat can be very disruptive to your sleep. To avoid sleeping with pouring sweat and ensure a comfortable sleep, many people then decide to sleep under the blow of a fan.
Karpet Outdoor atau yang dikenal juga sebagai karpet teras merupakan jenis karpet khusus yang sering ditempatkan di area outdoor, terutama untuk mempercantik tampilan taman belakang atau teras rumah, dek, dan sering disandingkan bersama kursi santai.
Insomnia is a serious issue that needs immediate solving. Otherwise, aside from disrupting your productivity, insomnia may cause health problems, from physical to mental.
Steaming is one of the cooking techniques to make dishes without involving oil. Compared to frying, the food steaming technique is healthier and capable of keeping the nutrition level of the ingredients intact.
Konsumsi buah dan sayuran memang penting untuk kesehatan, dan disarankan dilakukan setiap hari.Tapi yang jadi masalah, membeli sayuran setiap hari secara eceran jatuhnya malah lebih mahal dan tidak efektif, sedangkan jika membeli dalam jumlah banyak, sayuran dan buah bisa membusuk.
Pernah mengalami situasi ketika makanan yang Anda masak matang sebelah, misalnya telur yang hanya matang sebelah kiri, tapi sebelah kanan masih mentah, atau ketika menggoreng ikan, bagian belakang sudah kering, tapi bagian kepala masih sangat basah?
Having correct refrigerator temperature settings not only helps you keep your food fresh, it also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle in the process. Yet not everyone knows how to adjust refrigerator temperature or even how to understand the refrigerator temperature control properly.