Every monthly shopping, you prepare various vegetables that you want to buy, right? However, your cooking plans change and the ingredients you buy are forgotten and sit in the refrigerator
All types of meat, from chicken to red meat, are high sources of protein. But what does it mean if you can't keep the meat fresh? Money drifts, quality disappears.
Eggs are one of the most versatile foodstuffs ever. You need a pasta dish? Bread? Cake? Or even an egg dish? Boiled? Omelet? Sunny side up? Whatever it is, it can be!
As a complementary ingredients that is arguably the most important in cooking, seasoning must be taken care of carefully. Sometimes we think that kitchen seasoning can last as long as possible in any condition, even though seasoning come from natural spices.
Before your food arrived on your plate, how did it get there? It sprouted from tilled land, eaten by animals, processed by factories, transported by trucks, sold in retail